Rev Dr Graham Buxton is the Director of the Graeme Clark Research Institute, & Head of Postgraduate Studies in the School of Ministry, Theology & Culture at Tabor Adelaide. He is an ordained Anglican minister with extensive experience in pastoral ministry.
On Wed March 28th, he is doing a free seminar at St George’s (30 Cromwell St, Battery Point), titled “God & Science: In the Pulpit”.
3pm – “Pastors & church leaders”
7pm – “Principals & schoolteachers”
(Both aimed at leaders but open to anyone interested)
Christian leaders find themselves in a unique role as those who speak with authority in the congregation and come across questions about science and faith they may not have the resources to answer. Christian leaders need to know how to respond to genuine questions from their congregational members in an informed and pastoral manner.
The debate about creation and evolution remains a contentious issue, and contemporary concerns coupled with technological advances often add to the dilemma for many Christians.
Science can be an uncomfortable topic within the church community but it need not be. Christian leaders need a framework for thinking through the hype surrounding these topics in order to identify the genuine core concerns.
This seminar series will assist in creating a conversation and dialogue on how to discuss these issues with your congregation in an open and honest way.
It is also being promoted nationally by both Tabor Adelaide & The Institute for the Study of Christianity in an Age of Science and Technology (ISCAST).
Reverend Dr Graham Buxton is the Director of Postgraduate Studies in Ministry and Theology at Tabor Adelaide and Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Ministry at Fuller Seminary in the USA. He is an ordained Anglican (1983), with extensive experience in lay pastoral ministry. He is the author of Dancing in the Dark: The Privilege of Participating in the Ministry of Christ (Carlisle UK: Paternoster; 2001) and The Trinity, Creation and Pastoral Ministry (Milton Keynes UK: Paternoster; 2005).
To read an excerpt from his book The Trinity, Creation and Pastoral Ministry click here