
Church Service Videos

You can watch our most recent sermons below, including Easter and the Ascension celebrations below or by going to the Video page from the top or right menu.

Bible Study Philippians 3:1-17

https://www.gci.org.au/media/tasmania/2020%2005%2001%20Phil%203%201-17%20P%20Hopwood%20Study.mp4 Other videos will be added soon, so please come back and visit us again.

Retreat – November 2-8, 2020

You are invited to attend our annual Retreat at Camp Clayton, Ulverstone on Tasmania’s stunningly beautiful northwest coast (in the hope the COVID-19 crisis and necessitated restrictions allow it). This year our focus is on Paul the Apostle, his life and teachings. He is the outstanding character in the New Testament outside of Jesus. And […]

Retreat – Oct 8-14th – Camp Clayton, John’s Letters

  We are holding our annual retreat/festival at Camp Clayton, Claytons Rd,  Bass Highway, just east of Ulverstone, starting at 3:30pm on Monday October 8th, and concluding Sunday morning the 14th.  Christians from around Tasmania as well as some from the mainland are planning to come and join us for a week studying John’s three letters, and enjoying […]