What is Love?
What is love? Quite naturally, people search for love. In 2012, What is love? was the most searched-for phrase on Google. People define love in different ways: an emotion, action, state of mind, or a combination of these. Though some define it as nothing more than our biochemistry at work, most say love is much […]
New Sermons added. “Who is Jesus?” series
How do you picture Jesus in your mind? The image we carry around of him has a great effect on how we see God and how we view ourselves and others. In this series we look at various popular and traditional images of Jesus Christ, and look at what we can learn from them, and […]
The Favour of the King
The Favour of the King Like many others, I enjoy keeping up with the British royals. The birth of the newest prince in July was exciting, not only because of the happiness of the young parents, but also because of all the history behind that little boy. As I’ve read about kings and their courts […]