

Divine healing or deliberate hoaxing? Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I believe that God heals. Healing was a significant part of Jesus’ ministry. It is one of the gifts of the Spirit mentioned by Paul in 1 Corinthians 12. Sadly, the Spirit’s “gifts of healing” (v. 9) have often been corrupted and distorted by […]

God of Surprise!

When we survey God’s interaction with mankind; it has always been full of surprises. Full of the unexpected and the amazing. People have consistently had trouble accepting God and his unorthodox and paradoxical ways. Creating the universe out of nothing still boggles our minds, and those of scientists and atheists. Abraham and Sarah were surprised […]

One Small Life

The little babe was a gift too big to wrap. That one small life was all life. A King, born at the back of the Pub and there was the rub. No one  expected the helpless, the human, the ordinary.   Those in the know, with robes stretching back to Moses, The priests with pedigree, […]

Is Mary “the mother of God”?

There are many mysteries to life and Christianity.  How on earth does God become one with us?  The story of Christmas provides the answer.  A controversial question that goes along with Christmas, is the role of Mary.  Is she “the mother of God?”, or simply and only, “the mother of Christ” ? We invite you […]

Give Me One Good Reason I Ought to Go to Church

Give Me One Good Reason I Ought to Go to Church “Why do I need to belong to a church, anyway? Why shouldn’t I just believe in Jesus and try to live a good life? Church can be a real pain, you know.” Yes, church can be a real pain. In fact, all human relationships […]

Is the Holy Spirit a Personal Being?

Some groups claim the Holy Spirit is God’s active force that he uses to reach beyond himself, or that it is spirit essence that God is composed of.  It is so tempting to want to simplify the mystery of God and the Trinity and make bold pronouncements about his nature.  To use human logic, and […]


      Pentecost   There can hardly be a greater way to give thanks for our life together than the celebration of Pentecost. Through the Holy Spirit, the new creation of the church came into being. The church is the spiritual Body of Christ, sharing in his relationship with the Father, and in his […]

“God & Science: In the Pulpit,” March 28th

Rev Dr Graham Buxton is the Director of the Graeme Clark Research Institute, & Head of Postgraduate Studies in the School of Ministry, Theology & Culture at Tabor Adelaide. He is an ordained Anglican minister with extensive experience in pastoral ministry. On Wed March 28th, he is doing a free seminar at St George’s (30 Cromwell St, Battery Point), […]

Mike Feazell video on YouTube

You can watch segments of Mike’s presentation in Hobart in October either on our Video page, or if you have any trouble playing it there, you can watch it directly on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaaUgDq61rU I plan to add more segments later on.   If you would like a DVD copy of the entire sermon, you […]

Videos on Trinitarian Christian Faith

Dr. Elmer Colyer recently spoke at the Grace Communion International, Canada National Conference, in Ottawa on the topic of “Participatory, Trinitarian Christian Faith”   There are videos and transcripts at; http://www.gci.org/pastoral/colyerconf2011.           Session 1 The Resurgence of Participatory Trinitarian Christian Faith AudioDownload MP4Download WMV ISO Session 2 The Trinitarian Center of the […]